I was able to beat the first Capstone Dungeon as a level 48 Sorcerer with one other person in my party. Although, players will need to be on World Tier 2 when they enter the Capstone Dungeon. In this case, completing the Capstone Dungeon in Kyovashad will unlock World Tier 3. A Capstone Dungeon is a harder dungeon than a normal one, and once completed, it will unlock the next World Tier. This quest is a Capstone Dungeon that players can complete at the cathedral in Kyovashad. However, in addition to that, you’ll also receive a new Priority Quest in Kyovashad called “World Tier 3: Nightmare.”

Once you do, you’ll be given some Epilogue quests that wrap up the story. As previously stated, you will not be able to access World Tier 3 and 4 in Diablo 4 until you have beaten the main story.